I get questions from time to time about tithing. What is it? Is it for our day? Here are two responses from three scholars I have much respect for John MacArthur, John Piper, and D.A. Carson.
First, MacArthur
“Tithe does have its proper place still in Judaism in the gospel time. The Jewish people are still a duly constituted people. They were still under the ceremonial instruction of God's law. They were still under the obligation to obey the commandments relative to their national identity and to the funding of the priesthood. That had not been set aside yet until the church was born. And so He says you should do that. You should do that. By the way, the tithe is mentioned six times in the New Testament. Three times in the gospels and each time it is mention in the text condemning the abuse of it by the scribes and the Pharisees. Three times in the book of Hebrews when it simply reaches back and describes its historical reality in the history of Israel. At no time is it ever mentioned in the New Testament as binding on the church. It had to do with taxation of the national government of Israel” (from his sermon “The Condemnation of False Spiritual Leaders, Part 4-Matthew 23:16-33)
John Piper
D.A. Carson
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