Friday, April 30, 2010

Nuts and Bolts

Evidently Noah’s ark has been found. We will stay tuned to see if this is for real.

We now live in a country where the Pentagon gets to weigh in on religious matters through disinviting Franklin Graham to an Army event, more here.

Recently statistics show in Kansas, the state I live in, a decline in the number of abortions. You can read the story here. I honestly am torn. While I am thankful for the decline of this atrocity (the theory is this decline coincides with the murder of George Tiller who murdered thousands of unborn lives), I am very somber. The data is that abortions in Kansas are down 11% from 10,642 in 2008 to 9,472 in 2009. That means over 9,000 lives were lost and Kansas is said to be one of the lowest in the country. How is this cause for rejoicing? With four abortion clinics within a few miles from my home, I, like Thomas Jefferson, “tremble for my country when I think that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

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