Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Sermon

As we begin a summer study on Learning and Living the Gospel, I wanted to present Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones’ five foundational principles in evangelism. I have referred to them over and over again in my own life. I believe they have their origins in Scripture, and because of this they liberate us to do work of the gospel rightly. They are as follows:

1. The supreme object of the work of evangelism is to glorify and enjoy God, not to save souls.

2. The only power that can do this work is the Holy Spirit, not our own strength.

3. The one and only medium through which the Spirit works is the Scriptures; therefore, we “reason out of the Scriptures” like Paul did.

4. The true motivation for evangelism is a passion for God and a compassion for souls.

5. There is a constant danger of heresy through false passion and employment of unscriptural methods.

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