Thursday, June 24, 2010

To the Garden we Go...

Here is a potted combination of annuals I put together.  There are two pots of the same kind of petunias, salvia, and rosemary.

Noah is helping me harvest some of our strawberries from our new bed.  We are now eating strawberries every day.

Around one side of our house, I put in a raised bed two years ago.  It always bears a good harvest of something.  I rotated crops in it throughout the season so the same vegetable doesn’t grow two straight. These pictures show Noah harvesting our snow peas.  They like all the other crops he picks never gets to the kitchen.  We are picking peas about every other day.  We have a windmill perched in the center of the bed which supports our pole beans.  To the left of the raised bed, you will notice our sacks filled with potatoes. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm thoroughly enjoying your posts...besides Piper, I believe the rest are basically Presbyterian (I know, J.E. was a "congregationalist", but...). But what tips the scales for me concerning your true colors is the incredibly orderly form of your gardening!!! You are the ultimate Presbyterian in the making!

    In all seriousness, good stuff on this blog. May God continue to bless your minstry brother!
