Thursday, November 3, 2011

Graveyard and Junkyard

When we die, we go to the graveyard, and our stuff goes to the junkyard.  Randy Alcorn describes this truth well, “Take a ride with me.  After a few miles we turn off the road, pass through the gate, and fall in line behind some pickup trucks.  The vehicles ahead are filled with computers, stereo systems, furniture, appliances, fishing gears, and toys.
Higher and higher we climb, until we reach a parking lot.  There the drivers unload their cargo.  Curious, you watch a man hoist a computer.  He staggers to the corner of the lot, and then hurls his computer over the edge.
Now you have got to find out what is going on.  You scramble out of the car and peer over the precipice.  At the bottom of the cliff is a giant pit filled with…stuff.  Finally you understand.  This is a landfill, a junkyard-the final resting place for the things in our lives.
Sooner or later, everything we own ends up here.  Christmas and birthday presents.  Cars, boats, and hot tubs.  Clothes, stereos, and barbecues.  The treasures that children quarreled about, friendships were lost over, honesty was sacrificed for, and marriages broke up over-all end up here.  I recommend a family trip to a junkyard or landfill.  It is a powerful lesson.  Ever see the bumper sticker, “He who dies with the most toys wins?”  Millions of people act as if that were true.  The more accurate saying is “He who dies with the most toys still dies-and never takes his toys with him.”  When we die after devoting our lives to acquiring things, we don’t win-we lose.  We move into eternity (the graveyard), our toys stay behind, filling junkyards.  The bumper sticker could not be more wrong.”

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