Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spurgeon on Delight

Take care to have something worthy to delight in. I do not know how those people go through the world who never have any sort of pure excitement, but always go moping about from the first of January be the last of December. Life must to them be a sorry drag. The sparkling eye and the smiling face are the things God meant men to have, and they do not realize life’s full beauty unless at times they posses them. Why, the Christian, above all man, should have what the world calls his “holidays and bonfire nights,”-his days of rejoicing, times of holy laughter, seasons of overflowing delight. Nay! I think he should strive to have them always, for we are told, “ Delight thyself in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of shine heart.” If we take our religion as men do physic, it is of little good to us. Some folks go to the house of God as you might suppose criminals would go be the whipping-post. But I like to see people come up to the
house of God with glad alacrity, like children going home, or like those who are bound for the place-
“ Where my best friends and kindred dwell,
Where God my Saviour reigns.”
(taken from his sermon on Psalm 1:1-3)

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