Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Update on Southern

At the end of November and early December, I made my standard (first) trip to Southern.  I spent a week in Louisville only to return some ten days later.  I completed one seminar entitled “Biblical Foundations for Spirituality” led by Dr. Robert Plummer (one of Southern’s New Testament profs).  This seminar was to be led by Dr. Tom Schreiner, but due to his sabbatical, Dr. Plummer facilitated.  There were about fifteen students besides myself, and as usual it was extremely edifying.  Many great papers were presented, and I had the opportunity to ‘rub shoulders’ with many other brothers.  One of the most unorthodox moments is when Plummer suggested we return to the era of the Greco-Roman world and deliver our papers in the seminary hottub, which we did in one session, quite humorous.

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