Monday, August 2, 2010

Defining and Refinning Doxaholic

Due to my increasingly busy schedule, I am going to cut back on my blog posts for those who regularly read them to five days instead of everyday.  So Monday through Friday, most weeks, you can expect some confessions of a doxaholic.  By the way, many ask me about this rather voluminous (and some would say irritating) name.  Well, ‘doxa’ means “glory” and ‘holic’ is a suffix which means “an abnormal desire” for something, but it can also mean “dependence” which is the what I am referring to so you can put it together.  When I use “confessions” I mean a belief system, as in Augustine’s Confessions.  So I am trying to be transparent with God’s glory that I very much want to be striving and yearning for God.

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