Monday, August 23, 2010

Spurgeon on the Cross

“Shall we never be able to drive into men’s minds the truth that predestination and free agency are both facts?  Men sin as freely as birds fly in the air, and they are altogether responsible for their sin; and yet everything is ordained and foreseen of God.  The fore-ordination of God in no degree interferes with the responsibility of man.  I have often been asked by persons to reconcile the two truths.  My only reply is-they need no reconciliation, for they never fell out.  Why should I try to reconcile two friends?  Prove to me that the two truths do not agree.  In that request I have set you a task as difficult as that which you propose to me.  These two facts are parallel lines; I cannot make them unite, but you cannot make them cross each other.  Permit me also to add that I have long ago given up the idea of making all beliefs into a system.  I believe, but I cannot explain.  I fall before the majesty of revelation and adore the infinite Lord.” (Spurgeon, Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Volume 33, Banner of Truth Trust, 1969 reprint, pp. 198-199).

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