Friday, August 20, 2010

Nuts and Bolts

A little over a month ago, our church family bid the Hale family farewell.  A few weeks later, we said “goodbye” to Jason and Bettina Gentry.  Jason came to Calvary a little over two years ago as a pastoral intern.  He made such an impression we decided to bring him on as a part time children’s pastor while he finished up seminary.  While here, Jason would come and pine to Dale and myself about a fetching young lady he used to work in the lab with while at MU.  I will never forget the conversation in my study when he was nervous about asking Bettina out on a date.  I replied, “How long will you hold to two opinions?  If Bettina you like, then ask her out.  Faint heart never won fair lady.”  Low and behold, he asked her out and the rest as they say is…I don’t mean to be vain, but I had a responsibility as a friend and fellow pastor.  Besides, I have a pretty good track record when it comes to matchmaking.  Only once in my life did my matchmaking skills not work out initially, and that was when I setup Anita with a friend of mine while we were friend, but alas I will come back to the point.
Jason has been a faithful servant and a sweet spirit while here at Calvary.  Bettina has finished up her PhD in veterinarian pathology and has accepted a position in the lab at Vanderbilt University hence the Gentrys are Nashville bound.
It is always bittersweet, as I will miss their friendship and partnership in the gospel, but I am anxious of how the Lord will use them in the days ahead.  To God be the glory of them.
In other touching news, here is a clip that is getting many hits on YouTube these days.  It is a couple that has been married I believe sixty plus years, and they are in their nineties.  This is an impromptu performance that does remind one of the creed, “the heart is the last to go.”

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