1. He appears last in every list of the disciples except Acts where he is not mentioned.
2. Some biblical descriptions of Judas are: betrayer, devil, son of perdition, someone that would have been better not to have been born.
3. Ironically his name (Judas) means, “Jehovah leads”.
4. His surname Iscariot tells the region he was from Kerioth-hezron (Joshua 15:25), a small town in the south of Judea. Interestingly, he is the only disciple not to come from Galilee.
5. His father’s name is Simon (John 6:71).
Scripture and/or church history records each of the disciples being martyred for their faith in Jesus except Judas who committed suicide (Matthew 27:5; Acts 18:1).
Matthew 26:14-16 has some distinctive features about the plot of Judas to betray Jesus that the other gospels do not emphasize.
A. Luke and John emphasize the devil’s control over Judas led him to do this (Luke 22:3; John 6:70; 13:2, 27)
B. Mark emphasizes how the chief priests were proactive in offering him money to betray Jesus (Mark 14:10-11).
C. Only Matthew stresses Judas own sinful activity was the sole reason. He is the proactive one (Matthew 26:14-15).
1. He went to the chief priests.
2. Only Matthew has Judas initiating the plan by asking for money-“what will you give me if I deliver Him to you?”
3. Only Matthew specifies the amount of money paid.
Judas is an example of opportunity lost and how the way to a black heart is through the bank account. It is not an accident that the gospel writers tell the story of Judas immediately following Mary’s extravagant gift. He sin so blinds him that he is oblivious to the fact that he would be incensed by the waste of a year’s wage, but then go ahead and betray Jesus for barely a third of that amount.