Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I am a U2 fan.  I have been since the “Joshua Tree”.  I won’t get into the heated debate whether or not they are Christians (at least the three members that claim to be).  Bono is the ultimate showman on stage, and his work in Africa is admirable.  But here is an interview with Bill Hybels that should at least cause us to consider the importance of Jesus teachings. 
I would disagree with Bono on the specific recipients of Matthew 25. Bono (like many) thinks Jesus words at the judgment generally applies to everyone who has a physical need (and that is addressed in other passages) whereas I think the “least of these brothers of mine” has to do with God’s people that are being neglected and persecuted by unbelievers.  I think the tempting application of Bono’s and others interpretation is works righteousness, but in the context of Matthew 25 Jesus simply articulates a truth that John will later echo in the body of Christ.  “A man that says I love God, but hates his brother is a liar and the truth is not in Him.”
However, I do think Bono at times does hit on the truth in a clear way in this interview.  

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