Monday, July 26, 2010

SBC and the Great Commission Declaration

As a Southern Baptist (most of my life), I have been intrigued with the discussion and the recent passage of the Great Commission Task Force Declaration at the Southern Baptist Convention.  For the most part, I am pleased as to the contents and to the direction.  Many people (myself included) have been seeing a major transition (generationally, theologically, and structurally) in our beloved convention.  Like all transitions, some are good, some not so good.  Nevertheless, I am thankful for the framers of this article, and count myself as a supporter.  It will be interested in the days ahead how this affects giving and priority to certain SBC structures that have been in place for generations.  I know that those who have opposed the measure have vocalized this fear.  But we are first and foremost Christians, and then Baptists.  Let’s get the order right.  We must never hold to denominational structures with the same loyalty we would the gospel.
At any rate, you can download the entire declaration here. 

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