Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Did You Spend Your Summer?

So meteorologists mark September 1st as the first weather day of fall, don’t ask me why.  But with September does signal the approach of school days (in my day); although now kids have been in school for three weeks which seems a bit much.  Nevertheless here is a brief synopsis of how I spent my summer.
Our family made five different trips to the ER this summer (my son three times, my daughter once, and myself once).  I actually thought I was having a heart attack, but only palpitations.  Hello blood pressure medicine.
Then we found out we had a carpenter ant infestation in one of our walls.  It turns out the critters were coming from our neighbor’s tree.
After that our basement flooded as hard rains backed up our sump pump pit and I went downstairs to ankle deep water.  My son’s pirate ship was literally floating on the high seas.
Then one of our church members borrowed my truck which is a stick shift.  She parked on an incline at the farm she went to collect a chair she bought.  Failing to engage it in gear, the truck proceeded to coast down the hill at a rapid pace without a pilot and crashed into the owner’s steel barn which crashed onto my truck collapsing some of the roof and tailgate as well as destroying the paint job on the passenger’s side.
All in all these things remind me that this world isn’t our home, and all of our stuff is relative.  Time marches on like an ever rolling stream, and our stuff winds up in the junkyard and we wind up in the graveyard.  So once again the Heavenly Father has reminded that this world is passing away (quite literally) in my case, so we should set our affections on things above.

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