Thursday, September 16, 2010

Report on School

A seminar that I took back in August was known as a “Graduate Research Seminar”.  Basically it was required for all incoming PhD students (mainly).  There were about fifty of us from all over the world.  We spent three days of learning everything from the requirements and standards of PhD work, to Turabian style formatting for papers, and how to do research using librarians and library sources.  In preparation for the seminar we were required to do three book reviews with two more on the way. 
The seminar overall was helpful.  I was particularly assisted with the research librarian format.  It is truly remarkable what is available in today’s world.  I bet right now in my study, I have acquired over one hundred sources on one seminar paper I will be delivering this fall.  It truly is amazing what is available online both good and bad. 

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