Friday, February 11, 2011

Soup Night

Each year from October through March, Anita and I open our home most Thursday evenings to a group of people (usually people in their twenties) for soup, fellowship, games, and time in the word.  This night has been affectionately known as “Soup Night”.  Anita and I started this tradition the year we were married (1997) and have been practicing ever since.  Basically how it works is that I fix a different soup each week.  I ask each individual to vote using a “whisk system”.  The soup can get a maximum of 5 points-1 for look, 1 for smell, 3 for taste.  I average all the scores by five (there were five people the first year when we developed this insane system).  If the soup gets a score of 20.5 or higher it becomes a classic.  If it gets a score of 10-20, it may be made again, but no guarantees.  A 10 or below score it goes in the bin never to be heard from again.  Through the years I have made hundreds of soups, and it has been entertaining each week to anticipate people’s reaction and anticipations.  One year I made a soup that was so awful, the spoon literally stood vertically on its own.  Another year the soup was so intoxicating that one taster swore he smelled it from the street.  Esau has nothing on him.  It is an enjoyable time.  I will in the coming months give you the soup, recipe, and score from the previous week’s soup.

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