Monday, June 27, 2011

Oliver Cromwell on Liberty of Conscience

I have been reading some of Oliver Cromwell’s letters recently, and he is very impressive Christian soldier and statesman.  In reading through his letters, there are some eerie parallels with our country.  One letter that was striking to me was on the issue of personal liberty which is something Cromwell fought for the preservation of all people because he believed it was a God given right to all. 

“If there be an absoluteness in the imposer, without fitting allowances and exceptions from the rule, we shall have our people driven into the wilderness, as they were when those poor and afflicted people that forsook their estates and inheritances here, where they lived plentifully and comfortably, for the enjoyment of their liberty, and were necessitated to go into the vast howling wilderness in New England where they have for liberty sake strip themselves of all their comfort and full enjoyment they had, embracing rather loss of friends and want, than to be so ensnared and in bondage.”

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