Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Coffee with Carson

My favorite for May is D.A. Carson.  I am presently reading three Carson books: “A Call to Spiritual Reformation”, “Scandalous” and “Worship by the Book”.  All of these are abundantly edifying.  As I mentioned last week’s post, I continue to grow as an ardent fan of Carson.  One portion of “Worship by the Book” confronts of what passes for the worship of God in the evangelical church.

“If we know the characteristics sins of the age, we can guess its foolish and fashionable assumptions-that morality is simply a matter of personal taste, that all silences need to be filled up with human chatter or background music, that 760 percent of the American people are victims, that it is better to feel than to think, that rights are more important than responsibilities, that even for children the right to choose supersedes all other rights, that real liberty can be enjoyed without virtue, that self-reproach is for fogies, that God is a chum or even a gofer whose job is to make us rich or happy or religiously excited, that it is more satisfying to be envied than respected, that it is better for politicians and preachers to be cheerful than truthful, that Christian worship fails unless it is fun…Despite the protestations, one sometimes wonders if we are beginning to worship worship rather than worship God.” (Worship by the Book, pp. 30-31).

Well said.

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