Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kids and Christ

My Presbyterian neighbor (kudos TJ) and I have been in a healthy sparring about various beliefs: baptism, church governance, and particularly covenantal promises as it relates to children. TJ’s dialogue has been very enriching and thought provoking. With that said, my kids do remind me of God’s covenant promises. One of my favorite moments of the day is when I get to crawl into bed with them, read the Bible, sing, go through some catechism questions, and pray. We pray for what they want: usually Noah asks to pray for Margaret’s horse and Alan’s tractor, and Emma asks for prayer regarding a class mate. I then pray that they would love Jesus and be saved.

They proceed to ask me questions. Noah still asks me where God is, and I tell him that God is everywhere. Noah then climbs out of bed and goes down the hallway in search for God often calling Him by name. Last week they ask me some pretty thought provoking questions. “Does God ever get scared?” “Why did God create dinasours and why aren’t there any of them around anymore?” “Can God blow smoke?”

Also last week our tornado slide happen to arrive to complete our new addition to the swing set (more of that in coming posts). I opened the box, noticed the slide had to be assembled, had a box of about one hundred nuts and bolts, and prayed that the instructions included an English section. Noah on the other hand saw the box opened, and with his eyes as big as baseballs exclaimed, “BEAUTIFUL!” Since our secretary at church is recovering from major surgery, Emma wanted to come in to the office after school, so I asked her, “do you know how to use a fax? Can you take e-mail? Do you know how to do word processing on a computer?” To which she responded, “I know how to play games on a computer.”

What great teachers of grace these little minds are to me. Praise be to the Father for such a blessing.

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