Friday, May 7, 2010

To the Garden We Go

With the arrival of spring, I have been working mainly on a new edition to a swing set. I will post on those later. Gardening would be incomplete without animals the Lord sends our way. The golden finches have arrived, but I am having a tough time bringing orioles and hummingbirds to my backyard. We do have several feeders and houses placed throughout the yard. We also have two cats, Winston (a blue point Siamese) and Midnight (a black Behemoth). They also have enjoyed our bird population. They also have taken particular delight in my new strawberry bed that I slaved away preparing last fall only to be used as a feline field day both for recreation and necessity. As I have noticed my shriveled up strawberry plants, I think it is time for pepper spray. The jury is out if I will have lush strawberries later this summer or one Cadillac of a litter box.

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